Sunday, October 25, 2009

What I'm Reading Now . . .

I finished Finding Nouf and liked it.  It is a murder mystery, and I didn't figure out who did it before the end, so that's always a positive.  I learned a lot about the Muslim religion and beliefs and still find it hard to believe that the women tolerate such a life.  Not only the segregation and having to wear the burqa, but the fact that, if you are rich and have servants, you sit around all day and do nothing.  You always end up fat, and it would seem to be also a very unhealthy existence.  A really enlightening look at that culture.

I've decided on something lighter this time.  Swim the Fly by Don Calame.  I read some positive reviews of this book before it was even published.   It's about some teenagers who make a summertime goal to see a real-live naked girl for the first time.  Sounds like a fun read -- and it looks like it will be a quick one too.

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