Thursday, January 21, 2010

Contemplating a lifestyle change . . .

I finished (at least part of) The China Study.  The problem that I have with a lot of non-fiction books is that they tell you everything you need to know in the introduction, then they spend 300 pages explaining everything again in excruciating detail.  Like, they give away the ending before you start reading the book!  I'm glad they did, though, because I would have never made it through this one.  I basically skimmed and looked at the graphs.  I learned a lot.  I believed him from the beginning, so when the last 1/3 of the book started explaining, "Why Haven't You Heard This Before?", I just skipped it.  I get it--the government, beef and dairy industries, and pharmaceutical companies are out to get us.

I had my husband read the introduction, the parts about diabetes, and the chapter on how to change your diet.  So, I guess now we are going to do our best to eat a "whole grain, plant-based diet."  I'm sure we won't be perfect, but we are going to give it a try.  I'm certainly not going to throw my quart of chicken stock away, or anything like that.  I don't want to be a fanatic, but I really want to know if this diet makes you feel better -- have more energy, less aches and pains.  I'm fairly certain it will lower our cholesterol and help my husband's blood sugar levels, but I want the other stuff too.  Wish me luck.  My son doesn't know anything about this -- he doesn't eat with us that much, but he's not going to be happy.  I'm going to try to convert him, though.

My new book is Epic, by Conor Kostick.  It's about a world in which everything is determined by how well you perform in a video game.  Obviously, some people aren't going to be happy with this arrangement . . .

1 comment:

  1. The China Study changed/improved my health and my life! Go for it!!! Am now reading Food for Life by Neal Barnard - much of the same, but this one has menus and recipes too.
